Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dust storms

Saturday, 21 July, there was a dust storm. Actually, from what I understand, it started Friday night around 11pm. It has lasted through today, although it's not as severe today. Yesterday, the visibility from the towers was MAYBE 600m. Really, you couldn't see much past 300 meters.

Today, it's much better. I could probably see out to about 1500 meters. Large targets, anyway. For point targets, I probably couldn't have spotted anything beyond 800m. It was a lot like a foggy day, only the fog was dry and yellowish, instead of damp and gray. Still, the meagre shadows and the smell of burning wood somehow reminded me of being at The Citadel in the late winter.

Today should have been my last day on guard duty, although if circumstances require it, I will be pulling guard duty again next week. We'll see how that goes.

I saw Specialist Nelson today. He and I have talked several times about the predestination issue (he's a studious man of God), and he advised me today to read carefully Romans 6 and 8. I think I will finish Romans and then go back to the start and read it over again, and see what I think then.

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