Thursday, September 20, 2007

Busy week

It's been a busy week. Two missions, one a two-day run, and a bunch of work on the vehicle has made for not much time on the internet.

That, plus the fact that the internet has been slow as a 1 legged dog lately, has meant that I'm behind on emails, behind in EverQuest, and behind on my Blog. But I do have a MySpace page now, if you care.

Might have another mission still this week. And my bunkmate, Anderson, is supposed to go on leave early next week, so I'll probably be spending more time on missions and less time on guard duty. Which has its ups and downs, of course.

Anyway, the weather is DEFINITELY cooling off, and the sun goes down MUCH earlier now. I keep looking at my yahoo client and seeing that the temperature back home is in the low 70's/high 60's, and cloudy. And here it is sunny and cool in the 80's. It's going to be such an adjustment being back home.

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